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Новости 2

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Krieg написал(а):

Я буду называть эту модель Гулливером.

А у тебя консервные банки!)



Да как только маринад не обзывают - не привыкать) Летающие сараи и кирпичи, банки, ноплечнеги, попса...)
Минуса данного юнита 2. Первый - цена, а второй - его не получится прятать за забором, где обычно отсиживаются эльдар. Есть еще и третий - судя по всему, ему не суждено пинать Дреды, наоборот, его самого можно будет без напряга задавить ЛР-ом, как в случае с ДП или Великими Нечистыми.

Ну а если серьезно - релиз намечается классный, куча юнитов, дополнения к кодексу, Большой Робот... Да, цены кусаются. Но никто ж не говорит, что надо ломиться всё скупать сразу. Есть фонд юнитов, которые можно спокойно собирать до следующего релиза (которого ждать годы) - классно.

UPD Еролаг, не забудь про мое пиуко;)

Отредактировано Krieg (2013-05-20 23:02:38)



Krieg написал(а):

его не получится прятать за забором, где обычно отсиживаются эльдар

Ты знаешь, что-то мне кажется, что забор уйдёт в небытие. Если апнут байки, сделают правильных рукопашных врайсов и подправят некоторые аспекты - можно будет играть от атакующей армии! Со всякими пасами со спецчаром в трупсе.



Мне кажется, у кого-то в ГВ какие-то комплексы...



UPD Еролаг, не забудь про мое пиуко;)

Эм, что простите?)

По поводу робота, то он мне абсолютно не нравится, а самое плохое во всём этом, что его же сделают ногибающее Риптайда (и дешевле...).



Erolag написал(а):

По поводу робота, то он мне абсолютно не нравится, а самое плохое во всём этом, что его же сделают ногибающее Риптайда (и дешевле...).

ну естественно, нужно же уродскую миньку продавать )

я просто жду когда увижу у новых орков монстра которому кнайт будет по коленку



Mohoc wrote:
Here is the list that saw today (all prices USD)

Here are the Eldar releasing on June 8st

Eldar Codex - $49.50
Eldar LE Codex - $100
Farseer - $20
Wraithknight - $115
Wraithguard - $50
Hemlock Wraithfighter - $65
Dire Avengers (5 pack) - $35
Battleforce - $115
Windrider Jetbike Squadron - $40
Spiritseer - $19.25
Illic Nightspear - $19.25

Цена дополнения равна кодексу? Бля, да что же там такое будет?

Ванги такие ванги:

I've heard from a very good source that Eldar units will be able to run and shoot or shoot and run.

Going to be massive!

Вот это точно кажется очень сомнительным.



Also from 3++, with commentary from Kirby:

And more information from Heresy Online:

There is also an upgrade pack in Finecast to make an Autarch on a jetbike.As far as the actual Codex goes:-You can make Run moves in addition to shooting Shuriken weapons.
Interesting particularly if this can be made both before or after shooting.

-Shuriken weapons have a rule which makes them ignore armor on a to-wound roll of a 6– similar to rending, but it's not actually the Rending rule.
So they still can't damage tanks. Yay >.<.

-The Wraithknight starts at about 250 points and caps around 350, and towers over even the Tau Riptide. It's 9” tall. The Wraithknight has the ability for its weapons to become twin-linked if it hits with a scatter laser it comes equipped with, even against airborne targets. It can shoot S9 and 10 small blasts, and has a total of four weapons on it– you have a choice of several, including a huge wraithblade and a lance weapon.
It had better be T8/W5/2+ for that starting cost…

- Wraithguard are cheaper both points-wise and financially speaking, and are now S5 and T6, and have the option to be equipped with Wraithblades as per the current Codex's in place of their guns, making them a dangerous close combat unit.
What do you mean now S5/T6? Wraithblades aren't going to make them a dangerous CC unit without an A buff. If Wraithguns aren't getting a range increase these guys are still likely to be blah.

- Including a Spiritseer as a HQ choice allows you to bring Wraithguard as Troops.
Cheaper at least to get scoring tuff nuts.

- Expect Guardians to supplant Dire Avengers as the staple Troops choice– they're very points efficient and with the buff to shuriken weapons, they should expect to be in a lot of competitive armies.
How? Unless they are similar to Guardsmen in points and Shuriken got a buff in terms of range, they're still an *** unit. If they are around 5/6 points and get 18″ guns, have good Warlock buffing powers, then perhaps we have something but that also depends on what Dire Avengers get. Are they getting 24″ guns and cheaper as well? Etc. Grand sweeping statements by sales reps are dumb even if they turn out to be true.

-The Fire Prism has been nerfed a bit– basically, they want to drive people back towards Aspect Warrior and Wraith-heavy armies, rather than the mechanized Eldar army literally everyone and their brother played with the exact same list. Can't really say to what extent, but the purchasing advice was to ”Not load up on them.”
Yay all those vehicles we have are useless and they aren't releasing new Aspects.

-The Avatar is ”Definitely better.”
I want my 80 pt 3rd ed Avatar back.

-The Iyanden supplement is not a splash release, and will be normally available. Iyanden is strictly a fluff book, and contains no game rules. The rules to play a themed Iyanden army are found completely in Codex: Eldar. This is a move to appease people who want more fluff in books as well as people who would rather just have more game content with the fluff optional. This is an experiment in seeing how this works– if it does well, expect Games Workshop to continue with the release of ”chapter-specific” fluff supplements for their Codex releases.
Good. I can ignore this now.

Отредактировано Dr.MIB (2013-05-21 08:36:51)



Также релизы на июнь:

Necron Destroyers $50.00
Marine Scout Bike Squad $40.00
Marine Bike Squad $40.00
CSM Bike Squad $40.00

Dr.MIB написал(а):

The Wraithknight starts at about 250 points and caps around 350




С дакки:

- From what I saw all the non Wraith infantry have the run/shoot shoot/run ability (the rule was called Battle something). Avengers definitely do (from the report) and Rangers definitely do (from tiny printed profile in the WD) as well. Not sure if its just for Shuriken weapons (Rangers do have Pistols I guess).
- It looks likes all Eldar have the 'Ancient Foe' special rule, no idea what this does but I suspect its something like Hatred Daemons of Slaneesh (don't think it was Necron related as the report was against Crons) since all Eldar appear to have it (including the Wraith units).
- There are 14 Eldar specific psychic powers from 2 different charts, Runes of Battle and Runes of Fate. However it looks like several of the powers are 2 in 1, i.e they have a buff mode and a debuff mode, so there are actually HEAPS of powers. I.e the Primaris for Battle is Conceal/Reveal (as a single card/roll etc), Conceal gives you Shrouded and Reveal removes Shrouded from an enemy. The 1 on the Battle Chart was Destructor/Renew(?), Destructor being the same as before with Soul Blaze added and Renew allowing you to restore a wound to a friendy model within range (18" I think). Primaris for Runes of Fate was Guide, which is now 24" range but is otherwise the exact same as before. Very surprising to see this as aside from the range it is far worse than the Divination Primaris (although I guess you could take both and effectively Guide two units). The 1 on the Fate Chart was a terrible Focuses Witchfire power. Fortune and Doom are still options (the Farseer in the report had them) and appear to have the same effects.
- The Avatar has Fleet. Also one of the psychic powers increases your movement speed/charge range somehow
- The Wraithknight is insanely huge, it is literally twice the height of a Wraithlord, and the sword option it can take is basically the size of a Wraithlord as well. It can take up to 2 Suncannons, which are S6 AP2 Heavy 3 Small Blast or up to 2 Wraithlances(?) which are presumably the heavy anti tank option. Sword replaces one of the big guns I think (they are arm mounted like the Titans). This is in addition to the two shoulder mounted heavy weapons (I saw Scatters and Starcannons, so presumably the normal range of heavy weapons are available)
- Wraithguard and Wraithblades look good, think scaled down Wraithlords. They looked a bit bigger than the old ones, but I think it was partly just the added range of motion in the poses on 40mm bases (similar to the old 25mm base Terminators vs the newer 40mm base ones, they are bigger but the better poses help as well). Wraithguard can now get either Wraithcannons (which from the fluff descriptions seemed to still be single shot and very powerful) or D Scythes which were described as a multi shot weapon but it could still Pen vehicles on a 6. Wraithblades are only 1A base (sadly) but looked like they could go either 2 CCW (no idea on stats of their weapons, but they appeared to have sword/axe options) or 1 CCW + Shield gen arm.
- Wraithguard are definitely S5 T6, Lord is almost certainly not T6 (a full unit of Destroyers shot one in the report and did nothing, which suggests T8 or some other equivalent buff). No idea on the stats for the Knight.
- It looks like Aspect Warriors have the same base profile, include Exarches with Ld9
- Reapers have Slow and Purposeful
- Rangers have WS4. They also have a character (not sure if he is upgrade or HQ) who has a 120" range Sniper Rifle.
- One of the fliers has 2 Heavy D Scythes on the wings and a psychic based main gun. The other has 2 Bright Lances and a Pulse Laser.
- Saw stats for what looked like special weapons for characters, might have been for Special Characters as well since the 120" range sniper was in there. One weapon was +2S, AP- Melee, Rending, Fleshbane, Instant Death. Another was +1S AP3, Soul Blaze, and if you killed anything with Soul Blaze then every unit within 6" of that unit would become effected by Soul Blaze as well. There was also a one use only piece of wargear, which you could use when the character died. On a 2+ you place a S4 AP3 template over the character, hitting both friend and foe, but if you cause at least 1 wound then the character stands back up with 1 wound. Last one I saw was an item which gave the user Fearless, Shrouded, Stealth and re-roll cover saves but they lose the IC rule, which gives people a way to make a Solitare (the name was something to do with the Laughing God).



Krolik написал(а):

CSM Bike Squad $40.00

Да, да, да переиздадут убогие байки, хоть бы правда)))



Vlad написал(а):

Да, да, да переиздадут убогие байки, хоть бы правда)))

я себе возьму - сделаю из них равенвинг)))



Ае хаос байкеры наконец-то в скваде, дождались =)



Я б так не радовался, они просто упакуют старые байки в коробки по 3.



раньше была коробка из 3х байкеров маринских, там кроме 3х обычных литников от байков были металические торс сержа с силовым мечом, и два торса байкеров - один с плазмой, второй с мельтой. Так что может что интересное там внутри будет, какие- то новые битсы возможно.

Отредактировано Lt.Alex (2013-05-21 15:57:35)



Коробка из 3 байкеров в любом случае дешевле 3 коробок по 1 байкеру :) А их по 1-2 модели и не берут обычно.
Да и кто его знает, вдруг перепилят. У хсм байки сейчас вообще грустненькие. У марин немногим лучше, если без рейвенвинговского апгрейда.



Вот и я думаю, что они не будут паковать трёх тупо одинкаовых байкеров, наверняка их разнообразят, добавят ништяков. Опять же наверняка это будет стоить дешевле чем три коробки по одному байкеру.



Ага, ага. Скажите это таусятской коробке из 3 кризисов)
И печальным слухам о запаковке 3х древнючих эльдарских джетбайков в новый коробок...



Sutomu написал(а):

Скажите это таусятской коробке из 3 кризисов)

Ну как бы и говорю, на тойленде один 245, три - 600, 135 гривен гешефту + бесплатная доставка)
А у гв один 15.50$, три - 40$ , 6.50$ чистого гешефта)



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