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А, тю, млин, сквиги xD



New crazy WH FB rumors:

Overall Summary
GW is going to produce a set of contingent rules which includes at least 5 new factions with model support.

The contingents will first appear in a White Dwarf (perhaps one or two at a time); WD will become what it used to be, models may appear around the same time. A contingent book encapsulating the new contingents and rules will be further on down the line.

This will not effect the release schedule for other armies

There will be rules to add contingents to your normal lists, possible scheme to add contingents from existing armies.

GW may be using this as an opportunity to clear out old stock of Kislev and Dogs of War.

Rumored Combo Book with WE and Brettonia that Ghost thought might be referring to upcoming contingent rules

A related rumor indicates the contingent paradign may be getting worked into the 40k rules as well, with GW seeing this as an opportunity to expand the scope of their game world without generating detailed armybooks for all the new things they want to include.

Contingent Rules
Contingents are aligned with Destruction, Order, or neutral similar to ally rules, there are supposed to be 2 of each in the first 6 new armies to be released.

Only 2 special/universal characters will make it into the book.
The allies rule has 3 different ways of aligning your force with another theres neutral allies, friendly and unfriendly (unfriendly represents, people forcing them to fight or they don't like each other but its for the best) there will be rules to use say (its just an example) chaos in empire.

There are significant drawbacks to this they also will be balanced for about 750 points to use by themselves, any more they lack any heavy hitters. You can align 2 or all of them together to create a rag tag army or infernal alliance (that's the exact wording), however some really hate each other and so have some drawbacks

There's only 1 character who can be an over general ( removing bad effects) and he's estallian

Allied lists can be used stand alone, but there will be no lord level character
Rules for Pikes were mentions

Future Expansion
Popular contigents may get more units later on. Zoats, snakemen, and fimir are being handled by forgeworld , but ghost felt these may get their own contingent list later on as well.

Rumors on the Book
5 of the coningents will make it into book with the official allie rules and possibly some scenarios.

These 5 armies are:
Other non-human

Contingent Lists
Here are the rumors relevant to specific contingents
Each contingent to have 3-4 units 1-2 characters

Harry was shown concept art a few years back, which could have been a preview or just a continuation of the long standing studio fishmen Joke
There is a long standing joke in the studio about the next release being fishmen. However tidbits about undersea creates continue to build up in the books (lizardmen book, sea creature rules in BRB). And on models (dark elf corsairs/special character)

Fire Belly Shield motif on latest ogre kingdom model may be clue about insectizoid race. Insect race also mentioned in the Ogre book, possible some fluff reference to kuresh or ind somewhere as well
Hinted at not being in the forces of destruction

Pirate list
Rumored to be White Dwarf Only

Have a character that removes negative effects of opposingly aligned allies
Pike units and pike plus crossbow units

Cavalry Using Old Sculpts with New Models
Re-releasing old sculpts in fine cast
New Ice wizard model
New unit of arquebus

Non-human Contingent
something that will be in the book, not yet identified

Will have 2 Cavalry units, 2 infantry units, 1 monstrous infantry unit, and 1 hero
No Elephants
Camel janissaries/ long barreled gun powder cavalry
Araby Wizard with Harem Guard
Djinn (see araby dread fleet boat)
Elemental Type unit for four basic elements with fancy names (e.g. Fire Efreets), presumably the Djinn would fit in here.

Dogs of War/ Tilea
Ghosts said not at first, Harry heard a whisper about them, could have been something about wharfs of Gouda though. Ghost indicated Tilians will get a WD list but will not make it into the book.
Tileasn will get units for duelists, pikemen, crossbowmen, heavy cav, and a wizard with a new poison lore

Chaos Dwarves
No specific rumors other than Forgeworld being told to stop making new ones (Hasstings69, et al). This could potentially mean that they are being reserved for some sort of future GW development, or not, we'll see.



Пиздежь и провокация



херь какая-то ...



Из всего этого куска текста лишь один имеет косвенное доказательство - на пузе у файрбелли и правда висит чья-то восьмиглазая башка со жвалами.



Висит на колокольчиках: … post165903



Боже, какая хуйня...хотя если они рещили похоронить ФБ польностью, то идея неплохая



Хз) Со слухами о шестой редакции сороковника появилась надежда на какие-то глобальные изменения. Может и в ФБ они тоже хотят сделать что-нить эдакое.


129 … hp?t=18555

Новые шняжки для бистменов.



A cover of the Warhammer Fantasy Battle expansion book "Blood in the badlands", describing a campaign with Dwarves and Skaven as well as new siege rules, has been posted on warseer: … mino-1.JPG



Возможно, Вампиры будут следующими (инфа с колокольчиков):

Games Workshop just pulled the current Vampire Counts Army Book, and several SKUs. Here's the latest round of what to expect:

Word on the street is to look for VC to fill the January-February slot where Orks&Goblins were last year.  Here's the latest rumor roundup:

via Warseer's every reliable Harry

    harry says:
    -The WD VC article should be viewed as a stop gap between books, terrorgheist will be in proper print much quicker than some people may imagine
    -new Krell mini coming:
    -but you wouldn't say no to a plastic black coach and some flesh Golems would you.
    -The concept art for them (golems) is very cool. Half way between a big zombie and a ghoul with lots of stitching,

    ihavetoomuchminis says:
    -It seems that the Black Coach will be a dual kit.
    -About the Monstruous infantry unit, i've been told that they are more of Big ghouls than big zombies. Oh, and the models can have something no MI in the game have yet..... maybe something like the terrorgheist, but smaller? Don't know, just guessing.

    overall summary:
    - new unit "flesh golems" - something like a mix of large ghoul and zombie with a lot of stitches with something no monsterous infantry has had before
    - new plastic black coach mini, dual kit
    - new krell and female vampire minis
    - and some old rumour concerning new plastic black knights - (Riders confirmed by Harry but not "black knights").
    -The 'black coach kit' is not a straight replacement (like say the steam tank was for the Empire) and it is a dual kit. Also, we do get riders ... but they are not straight replacement for the black knights either.
    -Obviously the Terrorgeist will be in.
    -The female Vampire could be seen as a return to the book of the Lahmian Bloodline.
    -the book has five new units + Lords/Heroes.
    -the dual monsterous Infantry kit has the option to make winged mostrosities.



Новые вампиры просто шикарны - особенно новый мегасет из которого можно собрать либо чёрную колесницу, либо ещё что-то )))

Чтобы не плодить новый пост - добавлю ссылку в твой. … hp?t=19043 - тут не надо щёлкать на картинки)

АПД Krolik

Отредактировано Erolag (2011-12-26 13:58:10)



А так, не побоюсь этого слова - пиздатейшие миньки) И кучка кавалерии, юхууу!



Всеми забытый у нас ФБ продолжает жить и развиваться. Релиз новых упырей 14 января, и вот кое-какая инфа по ним:

А вот это вообще психоз!



Охниху... Я прикидываю такое уронить. Надеюсь, у неё с балансом нормально.



Я уже представляю себе, как они наворотят новый имперский алтарь... Хорошо что я свою конверсию продал, с ГВ-шными монстрами мне не тягаться.



четкие будут вампы )



Нихера ж себе эту байду перевозить... О_О



Миш, ты продублировал ссылку) Лёша чуть выше кидал.



Etis Atis Animatis написал(а):

Нихера ж себе эту байду перевозить... О_О

За такие деньги оно, наверное, само из дома до клуба лететь должно  :D


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